Collaborating for bright futures.


The Austin and Florence teams are made up of industry leaders who share a vision of creating opportunities through cultural exchange. Our team members bring a diverse set of skills, backgrounds, and perspectives, and a common passion for both Austin and Florence. We work closely together and with our advisory board to help take projects on both sides of the Atlantic from ideas to realization, following the development objectives of both cities.

Guiding Principles

Generosity: We crosspollinate and collaborate with shared drive and optimism for the future.

Quality Enterprise: We are devoted to quality and artisanal integrity as we ignite economic and new industry opportunities.

Learning: We believe access to education and the development of new knowledge is key to a happy, successful life at every age, as well as to a prosperous society.

Vibrancy: We welcome many partners and collaborators, building into our partnership a diversity of voices, views, and ideas.

Innovation: We spark positive new thinking, ventures, and experiences with courage born of our cities’ histories as the Cradle of the Renaissance and a birthplace of the ongoing Tech Revolution.

Joy in Living: We embrace the delight residents and visitors take in our two cities — known as food, music, art, and cultural capitals of the world.

Austin Sister Cities International (ASCI) / Austin-Florence Committee

A primary function of the Austin Florence Alliance is to serve as the Austin-Florence Committee for the Austin Sister Cities International (ASCI) Organization. Our teams in both Austin and Florence make-up the official “ASCI Austin-Florence Committee” and hold meetings to guide progress.

Austin Team

  • William Johnson

    Chairman, Austin Florence Alliance International Education Consultant

  • Jesse Ander

    CEO Affinity Engineering

  • Ned Sherman

    Chief Business Affairs & Legal Officer, Skybound Entertainment / General Partner, GOAL Ventures.

  • Marcello Baglioni

    Founder Agave Travel Creative, Travel Specialist + Conde’ Nast Affiliate.

  • Amy Villarreal

    Vice President and General Manager | Associate Group Manager at Sinclair Broadcast Group.

  • Doug Scott

    Co-founder and Chief Managing Director at Subnation / General Partner at Surround Ventures

  • Maria Vittoria Sesta

    Artist and Designer, Austin - Italy

  • Ian Moore

    Singer-songwriter, American Guitarist

  • Jennifer Attal Allen

    COO Agua Sol Tequila; Founder Academic Programs International

  • Arianna Avalle

    PhD Candidate / Assistant Instructor Department of French and Italian The University of Texas at Austin; Marketing / Social Media Intern Austin Florence Alliance

Florence Team

  • Luca Gigli

    Architect / Founder No-stop Studios in Florence, Italy.

  • Paolo Barberis

    Founder Nana Bianca (start-up incubator) Florence, Italy; Digital and Innovation Adviser to the Florence Mayor’s Office.

  • Lorenzo Coppini

    CEO at BC Speakers, professional loudspeaker transducer manufacturer. Florence, Italy

  • Roberto Guercini

    Founder and CEO at LIVIT Student Housing, Florence, Italy

  • Elizabetta Tonelli

    Architect and Culinary Arts Instructor, Florence Italy

  • Stefano Pittalis

    Engineer, Founder/Director Studio Ps2 Florence, Italy

  • Tommaso Bertini

    Architect Founder/Director Studio Ark-Art Florene, Italy

  • Annie Engel

    Fashion Stylist, Florence, Italy.

  • Marco Bordignon

    Surveyor Founder/Director Studio BRD Florence, Italy

Advisory Board